I've never been an avid scrap-booker. I didn't grow up pasting celebrities on to sugar paper or putting together binders (I love you, Leslie Knope). I hardly ever even tear out recipes. I might make a note in a diary or journal, but never more than a scrawl. That's why I'm so surprised by my latest obsession: online pin boards. Who knew collages could be so fun?
But which site to use? I've been on Pinterest since 2013 but I only really started using it this year. What says 'I'm buying a house' more than compulsively saving photographs of bathroom tiles or stair cases?!?
However, the two sites are frustratingly incompatible. I feel like I need to commit to one or the other - I feel like a scrap-booking adulteress, and it's kind of annoying... 'I saw this great idea on Pin- or was it-?'
Anyway, here's my low-down!
It's a sight for sore eyes. Pages and pages of clever designs and savvy solutions. It's a joy to scroll through. Just type what you're after ('Stairs') - and you could even add a sub-category ('carpet') to find a closer match. 'Pinning' these couldn't be easier on a mobile device, and you can stalk other people's boards, which gives it a nice social aspect. For example, I am following a blogger with AMAZING taste in cushions (PaigeJoanna, everyone)
Additionally, Pinterest is home is everything from hair extensions to cute widdle akita puppies so you can take an 'awwww' break when you get tired of tiles.
CONS:It's often hard to find out where a picture has come from; people can source from blogs that didn't have an original derivation.
Many of the pictures are reposts, or of poor quality - there seems to be less moderation.
Oh, and the puppy pictures get too tempting...
I feel like this site is the more comprehensive, more grown-up version of the two. Sourcing is so much easier. Like a photo? That's great. Here's the whole set of the house it's from. And here's other houses from the architect. And here's some photos with a similar colour palette. It's FANTASTIC. It's like the Wikipedia of house design - keep clicking hyperlinks, and you'll end up somewhere completely different.
It's easy to search by location, too; I find that Pinterest is US-Centric and many of the things I've seen just can't be echoed in li'l ol' England. Searching 'London Victorian Terrace' brings up loads of relevant things.
In addition, it's a DEDICATED HOUSE SITE. Which is beautiful.
This tangent typicality is often lovely, often frustrating. Sometimes I JUST WANT TO SEE STAIRS (obsessed, see?) but you've ended up looking at bicycle-related wall art (very much need this.
The site is very pop-up heavy (stop asking for reviews, darn you!) and takes quite a few clicks to 'add' something.
Most of the images come from professionals, who have a different budget and expertise level from you and me, and would be a lot harder to recreate.
Also, there are no puppies.
This tangent typicality is often lovely, often frustrating. Sometimes I JUST WANT TO SEE STAIRS (obsessed, see?) but you've ended up looking at bicycle-related wall art (very much need this.
The site is very pop-up heavy (stop asking for reviews, darn you!) and takes quite a few clicks to 'add' something.
Most of the images come from professionals, who have a different budget and expertise level from you and me, and would be a lot harder to recreate.
Also, there are no puppies.
Each site has it's benefits - its a case of finding how to make them work for you!
Soon, I'll be reviewing these sites as a contributor as well as just a passive browser (I hope)